Viking offers a fun weekend Pre-K Soccer program, providing guided instruction for children ages 3-4 years old. The clinic is hosted Saturdays at the West Intermediate School (located at 22 Carter Lane, Wilmington, MA 01887). Your child’s early exposure to the sport should give them an edge up on the competition and help ease them into a lifetime of fun in recreation. Toddlers & preschoolers will learn the basics of soccer and build a foundation for learning future soccer skills, thriving in team play, and general athleticism.
Our areas of primary focus for this age range are teamwork, general awareness, gross motor development, and reinforcement of fundamental play (i.e. dribbling, passing, shooting, and no holding the ball).
We will incorporate fun skills games to help build up confidence, listening skills, and coordination for all students in class during each session.
We offer rolling registration for the clinic, and we highly advise that you sign up before the program begins.
In addition to registering with Wilmington Recreation Department, all participants of Viking Sports Camps programs must complete an Information/Waiver Form. Information/Waiver Forms will be made available at the first session of your child’s Viking program for you to fill out. If you wish to complete a Waiver/Information Form prior to your child’s first session, downloadable forms are available below (please print a form, fill it out, and turn it in to the head coach on the first day of the program).