Viking Sports offers a fun and exciting Indoor Soccer League at the Tappan Gym Facility located at Brookline High at 66 Tappan Street. The focus of Viking’s Indoor Soccer League is fun and non-stop playing in a structured environment. Kids of all abilities are welcome to register. Members of the Viking staff will coach and officiate. There will be four teams and a schedule will be created and posted online prior to the league start date. All games are at 6:30pm and played on the top floor pavillion.
Indoor Soccer League Information
- 4 teams based on schools and friend requests (NON-Brookline public school kids can choose any team)
- Teams: 8 kids max per team (5 kids + Goalie and 2 subs)
- Number of Games Played: 10 games
- Coaches: Viking Staff
- T-shirt and referees included