Browse All Hamilton Programs, Camps & Events

Partnered with the Hamilton Recreation Department, Viking is excited to offer youth soccer clinics year round and our popular Multi-Sports Summer Camp throughout the summer. No matter what program your child takes, our goal is to make sure your child enjoys the class or the camp.


Our clinics are instructional classes meet once a week and last for a 6-8 weeks. Our staff follow an age appropriate curriculum that keep kids engaged and entertained, while learning a new sport.

View Hamilton Area Camps

Open Play

This drop in and play time is a great way for kids to burn off all of that endless energy. Play in our space, use our equipment (balls, tunnels, bounce houses, etc.), and have a great time. Open Play is for kids aged 6 months to 5 years old. It is designed to be a free-form and unstructured setting. No shoes are allowed in the play space. All kids must be accompanied by an adult.

Summer Camp

This summer is BIG! It is our 29th year anniversary and we could not be any more excited for the 29th iteration of our popular summer camps. Since the last whistle was blown to conclude our 2021 summer camp, we have been working tirelessly to make 2022 an unforgettable summer camp experience for your child.

View Hamilton Area Camps

Viking Sports private lessons are a great opportunity for your child to focus attention in a sport of their choosing.  Our coaches have extensive knowledge in many of the traditional sports, and through our private lessons, your child will build confidence, understand important aspects of gameplay, and learn the skills necessary to be the best of the best on the field, court, or pitch.

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In addition to registering with Hamilton Recreation Department, all participants of Viking Sports Camps programs must complete an Information/Waiver Form. Information/Waiver Forms will be made available at the first session of your child’s Viking program for you to fill out. If you wish to complete a Waiver/Information Form prior to your child’s first session, downloadable forms are available below (please print a form, fill it out, and turn it in to the head coach on the first day of the program).

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