Meet the Ultimate Team

Mr. Watkins

The event ring leader, Mr. Watkins has one job and that is to make sure everyone is excited for the Ultimate Challenge. His school visit appearances are filled with engaging, high energy, excitement that gets the entire school community hyped up for the Ultimate Challenge. Also during Mr. Watkins school visits, he shares positive messages with students geared around being good people, hard work, setting good habits, and staying active. Mr. Watkins is often joined by his crew of magnanimous Viking Sports coaches to help deliver an experience that the students, staff, and families will not soon forget.



Coach Chris

Hype man extraordinaire, Coach Chris brings his upbeat, comedic, kid friendly personality to the Ultimate Challenge. When visiting schools during the build up to the Ultimate Challenge, Coach Chris challenges students and teachers to be great through some of his famous Ultimate Challenge games. On the day of the Ultimate Challenge, you can expect Coach Chris to share some of his newest stand up material while welcoming students, teachers, and families to the schools Ultimate Challenge. 

Coach Ricardo

Mr. Limelight is often times the leading coach at the schools with Mr. Watkins. Coach Ricardo shares positives messages to students, in multiple languages, to get them ready for the Ultimate Challenge while doing fitness based challenges that really get the whole school amped. Since Coach Ricardo is lives and breathes fitness, he is a great role model for kids to follow. 

Coach Tyler

A mainstay at every Ultimate Challenge, Coach Tyler is our resident pop culture/relevancy expert. Helping identify the latest TikTok trends, gen z slang terms, and making sure the Viking Sports teams drip (google it) is acceptable for the generation of tomorrow, Coach Tyler keeps us current. 

Coach Matt

The lovable, humorous, and dedicated Coach Matt oversees the Ninja Warrior courses of the Ultimate Challenge. Once with Coach Matt, kids can expect to laugh while being challenged as they go through the various iterations of the Ninja Warrior course. 

Coach Sena

She claims to be funny. She claims to be the life of the Ultimate Challenge. And she is in fact both of those things and more. Coach Sena leverages her outgoing personality to make kids feel comfortable when going through the bounce houses. 

Zach the CFO

Behind all the front facing fun is the person behind the scenes making sure it’s all working. That person is our CFO, Zach. Helping update fundraising totals on the website, making sure funds are being raised, and helping share fundraising updates with schools are just a few of things powered by the CFO.